Sunday, November 6, 2011

What is the difference between array_slice() and array_splice()?

The difference between array_slice() and array_splice()

array_splice() is used to remove some elements from an array and replace with specified elements.
Below are some code examples:
$input = array("red", "green", "blue", "yellow");
array_splice($input, 2);
// $input is now array("red", "green")

$input = array("red", "green", "blue", "yellow");
array_splice($input, 1, -1);
// $input is now array("red", "yellow")

$input = array("red", "green", "blue", "yellow");
array_splice($input, 1, count($input), "orange");
// $input is now array("red", "orange")

$input = array("red", "green", "blue", "yellow");
array_splice($input, -1, 1, array("black", "maroon"));
// $input is now array("red", "green",
// "blue", "black", "maroon")

$input = array("red", "green", "blue", "yellow");
array_splice($input, 3, 0, "purple");
// $input is now array("red", "green",
// "blue", "purple", "yellow");

 array_slice() is used to extract a slice of the array. Below are some example codes:

$input = array("a", "b", "c", "d", "e");

$output = array_slice($input, 2); // returns "c", "d", and "e"
$output = array_slice($input, -2, 1); // returns "d"
$output = array_slice($input, 0, 3); // returns "a", "b", and "c"

// note the differences in the array keys
print_r(array_slice($input, 2, -1));
print_r(array_slice($input, 2, -1, true));
The above example will output:

[0] => c
[1] => d
[2] => c
[3] => d

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